Monday, January 11, 2010

Week 34

Ok, so this is going to be another 'random' post. I guess I don't have any major updates, other than the inner ramblings of my mind. However, I do have another doctors appointment tomorrow, so perhaps I will have another update. Although, I suspect that I am going to get another 'pat on the back', and told that I am measuring just right, baby's heart sounds good, and that will be about it. I have already been told that I am not getting another ultrasound, so I don't suspect that I will be getting a lot more 'Eli updates'. Unfortunately.

So...I have 6 weeks to go! So close, yet so far away. I have been thinking lately, how far away it truly sounds, and I think I have figured out why. I am officially in the home stretch, so everything is 'technically' close to the end. However, to be so close to the end and still have 6 weeks just doesn't seem to make since, you know? Of course, this is all assuming that he comes on time, but no one knows at this point.

Pregnancy updates? I have a few for you. My belly has continued to expand, and I am loving it. :) It is the 'officialness of pregnancy'. My belly button has still yet to 'pop', although Keith is anxiously waiting for that to happen so he can follow it up with a big fat 'I told you so!'. I need to snap a photo of it, just so you can see how impressive it is that it has hung in there for so long. Again,....'worlds deepest belly button', right here.

'Official baby brain': Yes, this is the one where you feel stupid, and I do feel stupid. I will be having conversations with people when I realize that I am either speaking 100 mph or without any logic behind my rant. I constantly search for vocabulary words that I once knew, and then end up going with something from a third grade level. I will even go so far as to stop myself mid conversation (possibly explain my situation to the person I am speaking with), and start over. Unfortunately, I have been told that this never gets better. I guess that a former more intelligent Leigh will forever be trapped in this blabbering/nonsensical body.

'Nesting": Yes, I think I am into my nesting phase. And for those of you that don't know what that feels like....imagine taking Ritalin. Yep! You find yourself completing tasks that might formally have taken a back burner. You surprise yourself as you power through chores that suddenly seem so important to complete. The most mundane task for Eli's room suddenly becomes the most important thing for me in a day. Don't ask me...

'Cravings': They are back! I was told they go away after the first trimester, and they did. However, no one mentioned them coming back. They are not really motivated by hunger as much as just random stuff that 'suddenly sounds good'. A lot of times it is stuff that I see on TV and then becomes irresistible. Today I successfully went to the grocery store for Twinkies and clementines, and decided to add on some last minute tamales and cheese/crackers to my list. I should probably apologize to my stomach and Eli now, as I did manage to eat one of everything that I bought for lunch.

Oh....and one last thing! I can't believe that I almost forgot this. The nursery! It is complete, yay! My mom finished the bedding and curtains, and the room is put together. Since the last pictures, we hung all the artwork and shelves. Additionally, we added a few other little touches. Here are the pictures!


KRiSTiN said...

Hey! My belly button never popped either. But it is SUPER deep. Like, stick half a pinkie finger in it deep, lol. Anyway, I saw this while I was shopping for decals for our playroom and I thought of your nursey...

I love the monkey theme! Cute idea!

KW said...

Leigh - I just wanted you to know I love reading your blog and keeping up with what's going on with you and baby E! And the nursery is PRECIOUS! Can't wait to see pics of the little munchkin (as I'm sure you can't wait to MEET the little munchkin) :)